The hairy barnacle

It happened a few weeks ago, I was a nickelodeon intern, I watched shows before they came out for free. Naturally, I got no money from it. Although one day I was called in to watch a 5 new Spongebob Squarepants episodes. The first four episodes started out normally, although the last one I will not forget.
The last episode was called "The Hairy Barnacle". A pretty odd name, but I went along with it.
The episode started out with Spongebob stealing Squidward's clarinet because he wanted to play it, it didn't really make sense because that wasn't in Spongebob's nature to do such a thing. As the show continued, Squidward went to his closet to get his clarinet, and to find it gone. He immediately suspected Spongebob of taking it, and went straight to house. When he opened the door, he found Spongebob laying on the floor crying, with a giant barnacle stuck to his face, about the size of a house cat stuck to his face. Squidward screamed at Spongebob to know what was going on, although the crying just kept on going, and it was getting softer and more faint. Then Spongebob exploded, with his soft sponge splattering across the room. The interns were shocked, even though no evidence of organs or blood was present, it was still a little shocking for children to watch. We kept playing the tape, and we saw that after Spongebob exploded, Squidward laughed and took his clarinet, walking out of Spongebob's house. Squidward does not like Spongebob, but he certainly would not want him dead. Squidward suddenly stopped infront of Spongebob's door, and the giant barnacle also strapped to his face. Rather then scream and run, he fell to the ground, sobbing. One of the interns said he saw something flash on the screen, and that we should check out what it was. The manager slowly rewinded the tape, frame by frame, and then we saw it. It was a picture of a dead baby dressed in a Spongebob suit, with his intestines laid across the floor, spelling "Spongebob died." Our interns were shocked even more, and we continued the tape. While Squidward was sobbing, he said something really softly, repeating it over and over. We couldn't hear it, so we toned the speaker a little bit. He was saying: "The barnacle, it will kill you." Suddenly, eight of our interns threw up at the same time, and died instantly. Doctors rushed in to take them to the hospital, and the tape was incinerated. The 8 intern's kidneys exploded, and their brain was filled with some kind of strange black gooey substance. All the doctors who touched the gooey substance died. Their bodies were burned. When the makers of the episode was questioned, they did not remember making a fifth episode. One of the makers of the episode whispered into my ear: " .enips rouy nwod srevihs ,snoteleks yracs ykooS" I still do not understand what that meant, although I will forever be weary of that moment. I must find out what it means.